Refunds and Voids


A refund reverses the order then removes the refund amount from the payment type the customer used. If a customer paid with cash, then the refund is pulled from your till balance. If the customer paid with a check, then the refund is pulled from the check balance for your current session.

The refund amount and the payment type will appear on your session and till reports. 

NOTE: Regular reviews of reports for both refunds and voids can help prevent theft and fraud.

Refunding Orders

From the Orders tab in the action bar, select the order you would like to refund from the Orders list (at this time, you can only refund completed orders from your current session).

Orders List

The Order Options menu will appear. Tap Refund, then a breakdown will appear of the payment types you are refunding.

Order Options Refund

These amounts will be pulled from the balances of those same payment types, so issue the customer the refund(s) accordingly. Tap Record Refund, then Continue. The order will now be marked as Refunded in the Orders list.

Refund Breakdown

At this time, refunds may only be issued from the payment type used during the order. If you decide to refund a customer with cash from your till but they paid with another payment type, be sure to record that you removed that money. Learn more about adding or removing money from the till here.

If you are refunding a credit card charge that was processed with Change, learn more about how to refund credit card charges.


A void deletes an order as if it never happened, but no money is returned to the customer. If you void a completed order, the items are no longer marked as sold and the money is removed from your session balances. 

All voids will appear on reports, including details of the order.

Voiding Open Orders

If you need to void an order that is open but suspended, go to the Orders tab in the action bar and select the order in the Orders list to reopen it.

At the bottom of the Order Journal, tap the red Void button. A popover will appear, tap Void. The order is now deleted and marked as voided.

Voiding Open Orders

Voiding Completed Orders

From the Orders tab in the action bar, select the order you would like to void from the Orders list.

The Order Options menu will appear. Tap Void then a breakdown will appear of the payment types and amounts that will be voided. 

Order Options Void

These amounts will be pulled from the balances of those same payment types. Tap Void Order, then Continue. The order will now be marked as Voided in the Orders list.

Void Breakdown

If you are voiding an order with a credit card charge that was processed with Change, read more about how to void credit card charges.